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Are you looking for an online fitness class?

Are you looking for a personal trainer?

“Our mission is to provide excellent personal training and online fitness services for clients that encourage a balanced-healthy lifestyle of staying physically active.”

Client Reviews

I would first like to thank Mr.Smith for his wonderful service. I have been working out with him for a year and this experience has been very tremendous and beneficial to meeting my health goals. With his assistance I am able to understand more of my training goals which helps me with my day to day chores.

LuCynthia Robinson

You won’t be disappointed!

I have been attending the Wednesday sessions with Yosef Resources (Michael Smith) for almost a year now and I can say it has been an awesome experience. Due to Covid I was unable to get into the gym but the virtual sessions were an excellent idea. You can workout in the comfort of your own home. Michael Smith is a great motivator, encourager  and trainer. He pushes you throughout the entire session which makes you want to keep going. You can’t give up!  He also modifies the routine to fit everyone no matter of age or limitation. The key is to just keep moving. I also enjoy the Saturday summer sessions when we get together to walk and do fitness outdoors. Doing the sessions with Yosef Resources (Michael Smith) has helped me to achieve some of my weight loss and fitness goals. I am looking forward to more exciting but challenging sessions!
Just what I need.

Sheila Jonhson-Parker

Being in the health and wellness industry, I fully understand that our health is our greatest wealth. When I was introduced to Yosef Resources it was right on time and in line with what I believe in and what I needed. I affectionately call Mike “Coach” because he totally embodies the title. He’s committed, prepared, puts in the work, cheers you on, and believes in you! That’s a real Coach!!

Mike is first class and top notch in the fitness industry! Joining the Yosef Resources community isn’t just a workout, it’s a way of life! A LIFE OF BEING and LIVING HEALTHY!

Dawn Brown

Training with Yosef Resources was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. Not only did Mike help me achieve my fitness goals, but also helped me improve my mental and spiritual health. I went into this training SCARED!! I couldn’t do push ups. I couldn’t do pull ups. I couldn’t run LOL. Mentally, I was going through it. Spiritually, I needed more guidance. I got all that I needed and more from Yosef Resources. It’s way more than just a fitness business!

Jewels Keyser

To be honest, this review doesn’t even compare to how much I appreciate Mike and his training skills. I worked out for only 3 days out of the week and my results just under a month were outstanding. I not only looked better but felt better. Mike Smith, you’re the best hands down.

Krystal Simmons

Benefits of Staying Active

Improved Cardiovascular Health

Decreased Body Fat

Reduced Blood Pressure

Decreased LDL Cholesterol

Increased Energy, Stamina & Endurance

Enhanced Immune System

Strengthened Skeletal System

Improved Sleep

Increased Muscle Strength, Endurance, & Tone

Decreased Clinical Symptoms of Anxiety, Stress, Tension, and Depression

Improved Agility

Lowered Risk of Falling

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